Love circle

Tired of the same old same old...

I am looking for a break in my everyday wherever possible.

I hope to feel a little more experimental and maybe even a little spontaneous.

He crosses my path will excite me, as I definitely want a change of pace.

It's okay to give into those unexpected stimulants, as I just never know where he will take me.

I am going through a period of heightened change so that I can play a role in my romantic affairs.

 I will find myself in a period where compromise and cooperation are at a high. 

Hopefully, breaking out of my normal routine will reboot my energy in a surprising but pleasant way.

Hopefully, he will be appreciative of the efforts I put forth right now.

Now is a time where I will need to focus on adjustments to others viewpoints. 

And now is a time where I will take the perspective of another is going to be critical.


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